The mind has the ability to build the most beautiful of things;
it controls our most wonderful thoughts and actions and holds the most
beautiful of memories.
But, the mind is also a dark place; a place that
destroys beauty, a place of evil thoughts and actions and a place
that buries the saddest and ugliest of memories.
Last year, when I initially moved to Bloemfontein, I would
often tell my sisters that I experience many moments of unexplained anxiety
that would randomly come and go when I was alone or quiet with my thoughts. I
later convinced myself that the anxiety was a quiet sign from the universe, telling me
that something great was about to happen in my life and, fortunately, that
proved true with many great and wonderful things happening in 2013.
Unfortunately, lately, those moments of anxiety have been
replaced with a deep and unexplained sadness. My mind, with all it’s
beautiful abilities has revealed itself vulnerable- vulnerable to an uncontrollable
sadness. A buried sadness- sadness that the mind hides even from itself.
Throughout my entire life I have had very little to be sad
about. I have not been blessed with the greatest of fortunes nevertheless
I have been very fortunate- I have life, love and purpose.
At first I thought that it a mourning sadness, as in
September this year I bid farewell to my only grandfather. His death opened a wound
that seems unable to heal; it has opened a flood gate of sadness…
I find myself sad that I no longer have a grandmother and
grandfather on this earth, my parents have lost their parents and that many are
I find myself sad that death is unpredictable yet
I find myself sad that people cannot become who/ what they wish to truly to be because society has told them what is and is not acceptable.
I find myself sad that people have placed unwelcomed expectations over my head whether it is expectations of my life, career and
choice on marriage and children.
I find myself sad that people still hold onto outdated
thinking that discriminates and remains prejudice to people purely because of
their gender, race and religion.
I find myself sad that people cannot be honest with
themselves and therefore with others.
I find myself sad that people so easily disregard the impact
of their words and actions in the lives of others.
I find myself sad the most monstrous of crimes happen to the
most innocent of people.
I find myself sad that I am so fortunate while others suffer
each and every day.
I find myself sad that things change. People change.
Relationships change.
Most of all, I find myself sad that people find themselves
in this overwhelming sadness and never recover from it.

It has been a beautiful yet dark year. I am learning that living presently within my life means that I should allow sadness in and live
present in every emotion.
I hope that all of you will realize that sadness although overwhelming comes with a beautiful lesson or feeling, only if we allow ourselves to truly feel it. Also, I hope that you realize that the powerful
instrument, called the mind, can handle anything you throw its way…even a
sad storm waiting to pass.
So, accept that sometimes we will find ourselves more unhappy than we do content but always remembering that living present within this sadness allows you to live a life fully lived.
“There is something beautiful in reveling in sadness.
The proof is how beautiful sad songs can be.
I don’t think being sad is to be avoided.
It’s apathy and boredom you want to avoid.
But feeling anything is good, I think.”
Joseph Gordon-Levitt