Sunday, 2 February 2014

"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" of 2013

As I sit here, writing this post, I am ashamed to say that I have been so consumed in my own life that I have disregarded my blog and my readers. I may just have to blame it on the fact that I have been living fully in every moment of everyday. Many of you will probably agree that sometimes life just ‘happens’…it gets so busy and overwhelming  that you tend to disregard the things that are truly important to you or make you happy. We forget to make time for what matters to us but most of all, we forget to reflect on what is happening in our lives.

As we are now merely a month into a new year, we should not only view it as a time of “new beginnings” but rather a time of self-reflection.

There is no better time to reflect on the good times that made you smile or giggle excessively, the bad times that made you melancholy or fuming from anger or even the ugly times when you look back and think “what the hell was I thinking?”

2013 had its share of all the above and I figured, where better to reflect than here, with all of you.

Greatest FOMO Moment of the Year
Believe it or not! But my greatest FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) moment of 2013 was felt during the Belieber Tour South Africa! Missing the Justin Bieber concert had my little Belieber heart pretty heartbroken and with his recently announced retirement, I am devastated…guess till next lifetime it is.

Greatest Achievement of 2013
So, I am not one to fuss and obsess over my appearance but my greatest achievement has to do with the fact that I have dropped a few dress sizes and lost 10kgs in 2013! …And to all of those who are shaking their heads right now, just remember- If I am going to try save the world, I need to look good doing so!

Biggest Crush of 2013
Okay so, I am torn between 3 amazing men! Firstly we have the “oh so handsome” Dr Avery  AKA Jesse Williams from Grey’s Anatomy!! Secondly the witty, charming Rob Forbes from 5FM! Yummy! And lastly the ultimate bad boy Chris Brown! Well, such decisions actually require a lot of time and consideration before being taken therefore; I’ll just have to have them all for now right?

Greatest Challenge of 2013
My biggest challenge of 2013 was definitely staying focused on my academics. I may have just slacked off on my studies and prioritised a good time over the books…but this challenge is not easily won and looks like I shall be fighting it for the next 4 years?!

Greatest Highlight of the Year
My highlight of 2013 was definitely my first trip abroad to the beautiful country of Belgium! Was a memorable experienced filled with so much fun, learning and awesome people!  I hope that I will be blessed with many a moments of wonderful journeys

Worst regret of the Year
My greatest regret last year was staying miserable for way too long! The year starting off with me moving away from home to a place I hated without even giving a chance…and now a year later, I regret how long it took me to make the most of that situation…who knows what awesome things I could have done had I not been miserable and closed-minded all that time? But you know what they say right…better late than never.

The Saddest Moment of 2013
My saddest moment from last year was the death of my beautiful grandmother. This was an unexpected, difficult time of the year. I continue to think about you, miss you and cherish your memory Ngono, may your remarkable soul continue to rest in peace.

Worst Mistake of 2013
So in 2013 I signed a contract without reading the T&Cs and the result of that: I cost my parents a loss of R8000 with an even heftier debt left, still to be paid! I’m sorry Mama and Papa! Let’s call it an IOU (I Owe You) until I make it big. Note to self, no matter how happy and excited you are when signing a contract, be sure to read the fine print!

Happiest Moment/s of the Year
Last year, I was blessed with so many happy moments that I am struggling to choose one! So I will say that my happiest moments were meeting and seeing my favourite 5 FM Djs play live! Was amazing to see/meet people that I listen to each and every day in person and aspire to one day work with #JustPuttingItOutThere

Another happy moment of 2013 was seeing Rihanna Live in South Africa, one of my all-time favourite artists! Just a reminder of how lucky and fortunate I am!

Favourite thing/s to do of the Year
In 2013 I discovered two passions that became my favourite things to do. The first being radio. I found a love of everything radio and one of my favourite things to do turned out to be listening to it and even being listened to on Kovsie FM! I hope that my career on radio is not short-lived and that this hobby will continue to fill my life with happiness and fun.
Secondly, one of my favourite things to do was Blogging. Writing and keeping this blog was so enjoyable and allowed me a place of reflection and sharing. I hope that I may keep these things close to my heart and discover more wonderful things to fill my life with.

Best Surprise/s of 2013
Last year, the last thing I expected was a year full of surprises and boy was I wrong to do so! I was surprised with so many awesome things that I can’t just share one!
Firstly, 2013 was, surprisingly, a year filled with winning! I won money, Tickets and experiences that I would never have imagined of being lucky enough to win…this was all because I optimized my luck!
Secondly, I surprised myself. I, in 2013, chose to stop forcing people to do things with me and learnt to do things alone…I was never troubled to watch a movie or have lunch by myself but always feared going to a show or partying alone but that all changed! I became my own best company and because of this, one of my greatest surprises was unexpectedly being gifted a ticket to watch the international sensation- Maxwell- live in South Africa all by myself and it was amazing! Thanks again sissy!Lastly, I was surprised by the amazing people and things that came from me moving to Bloemfontein. I was offered so many opportunities of growth by the University of the Free State, not forgetting all the awesome people that now form a very important part of my life.

Greatest lesson of 2013
The most profound lesson that I learnt in 2013 was: The extent of your happiness lies in the choices that you make. I learnt that too often do we take happiness for granted when making decisions in our lives but realizing this has made such an impact on my choices and my life. I have decided to make decisions that bring happiness into my life, each and every day!

So as you can see, 2013 was an incredible year! It had its ups and downs…but was overall an extraordinary year! 

I hope that on reflection, your year was even better than mine but most importantly, I hope that 2014 is even better! May you continue to seek happiness in a world filled with so much unhappiness! Hope that you may continue to be unhappily content…

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Sissy!! It's always worthwhile looking back to not only appreciate but learn form our pasts! 2013 was a blessed year and I pray 2014 will be filled with even more abundance. Love you xx
